




To have fun and to promote 'community' in BCS


Carnival date is decided by the Board, usually in October/November


Sierramont Campus



Dean of Activity


All BCS members


In addition to food stands set up by the classes, there are also various types of fun games for different ages of students. For the food stands setup, the followings work are needed:


1. Request for food stand application from each class.

2. Contact Sierramont Middle School and BUSD for renting the lunch tables. This should be done several weeks before the Carnival.

3. Assign food stands to tables and setup tables on Sierramont's blacktop. Publish the food stand map (flyer to each class, poster at the Sierramont entrance on Carnival day)

4. Setup tables and label them before the Carnival starts.

5. Make sure there are no un-authorized stands.


For fun games, the following work is needed:


1. Schedule the time and location of each game

2. Locate a coordinator for each game

3. Assign a person to coordinate the purchasing and distribution of the prizes.

4. Setup rules of each game

5. Publish the game's time and location


Due to the large number of people attending the event, parking is a problem. Therefore, directing traffic to the lawn is a must.


To promote public relations with the neighbors, in the last several years BCS sent out 100-200 invitation letters (signed by Principal) and coupons ($.50 to $1) to the neighborhood. The turnout rate was not satisfactory.


BCS may charge a stand fee.


To avoid the raining season, schedule Carnival in the first part of the Fall semester.


Include some Chinese-culture-related event or demo.


Invite some bookstores to setup a stand. Collect a stand fee for BCS.


Recruit upper-grade students to help manage the event.