


Spring Performance (Software)


To enrich the culture program in Berryessa and to provide BCS culture program students a chance to perform


usually between February and April


Decided by the Board and the Spring Performance Committee



Dean of Culture Curriculum


Spring Performance Committee


Spring Performance is one of the major events BCS involves. Planning should be made as early as possible. The tasks include:


1. Form a Spring Performance Committee: selected from Board members, parents and teachers. Regular meeting is needed to track the tasks. Usually the tasks are divided into two categories:

A. Software, which includes program design, poster, flyer and ticket design, guest invitation, gifts to the performers, etc. In the past, Culture Dean is the coordinator.

B. Hardware, which includes the facility and equipment support. In the past, Dean of Activity is the coordinator.


2. Rent a place for the event: Start this task early in the Fall. Due to the terms of the City Grant, the venue must be within San Jose City. The venues BCS used before were: Sierramont Middle School's MPR and San Jose State University's Morris Dailey Auditorium.


3. Invite famous artists to join the Performance: Make contact early.


4. Design program, poster, flyer and tickets: Assign one or several persons for the task


5. Buy gifts for all performers and workers. Decide the compensation for outside performers.


6. Locate two MCs.


7. Look for sponsors (Yue Heung Restaurant, Ranch 99, Lucky 7 Supermarket, etc.)


8. Decide guest list and send tickets to them.


9. Reserve rehearsal time and provide lunch during rehearsal.


10. Advertise in local newspaper.


Schedule the event in the latter part of the year is good to BCS culture students to demonstrate their art.

Recruit more language program students to join the performance.