Host Family for the Pony League

Two years ago in 1998, when the baseball team from east Taiwan came to compete in the Pony League Championship in Monterey, Califronia, our baseball coach took our BCS baseball team over to cheer for them. It was the first time that those little kids from Taiwan were away from home, a long way from home. Even the coach and manager did not speak English well. Our kids brought out the welcoming carpet to them. They became their interpreter and assistants. After they won the championship that year, our kids played host to those kids and took them for a two-day trip to Silicon Valley.

Our kids and parents took the kids from Taiwan to Great America for one day. BCS treated them the first Chinese meal in the United States. We played a game with them. Obviously it is just a friendship game and the outcome was that the guest team won by a small margin. Our parents did all of these out of their own pocket. A great friendship has already built between the two schools. Last year, when they came back again, we became their host family once again through the same welcoming hands. BCS baseball team did it again to welcome those kids from that baseball team. The manager (the Principal of their school) said she would always remembers and treasures the great welcome from our BCS kids.

The picture below shows the group that came in 1998. There are more pictures of the team that came in 1999.

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