There is really a place called Menglembu 萬里望. It is located in Malaysia near Ipoh 怡保 which used to produce the world renowned 花生 peanuts/groundnuts. Today Menglembu 萬里望 花生 is more of a brand since the last factory in 怡保 was closed in 2007 due to a fire. |
In the 1940's, 萬里望 花生 was exported to Singapore and was then known to the world as 新加坡 味香园 農夫牌烤花生 Farmer Brand Roasted Peanuts. Somehow the name 萬里望 gave me the impression that the visiting farmers from China were home sick and were looking towards home like the 望夫石 .... How wrong could I be ... :-( |
Recently I learned more from the Internet about Menglembu peanuts .... "萬里望的主要人口為華人,其次是錫克人;華人以種植蔬菜、黃梨維生,錫克人則靠養牛餬口,因此當年的萬里望街道和住家, 四處可見牛群遊蕩的蹤影,而華人向來慣稱錫克人為“孟加里”,叫著叫著,就叫出了Menglembu,這個馬來文字即是“Mangali” (孟加里)和“Lembu”(牛)的混合體。 Thus the place was called Menglembu 萬里望." |
Here's more explanation of the peanuts from Longfu Peanuts 隆福牌蒜茸花生 webpage in China .... |
So indeed there is really a place called Menglembu 萬里望. And now you know the rest of the story. Enjoy your peanuts. |