Principal tasks

  1. Chair the BCS Board Meeting
  2. Chair the Advisory Committee Meeting
  3. Request BUSD classrooms for BCS
  4. Prepare for the first school day
  5. Nominate Advisors
  6. Nominate Advisory Committees
  7. Publish School Prospectus
  8. Letter to BUSD on BCS Calendar
  9. Attend ANCCS Meetings
  10. Attend ANCCS School Administrator's seminar
  11. Attend Asian Law Alliance's annual dinner party
  12. Obtain the permit to use Sierramont Middle School's ground and BUSD's lunch tables for the BCS Carnival
  13. Obtain the liability insurance for the BCS Carnival
  14. Obtain the permit to use Sierramont Middle School's classrooms for the BCS academic competition
  15. Obtain the permit to use Sierramont Middle School's tennis court for the tennis class
  16. Obtain the BCS liability insurance (guideline not included)
  17. Obtain the BCS Spring Performance insurance (guideline not included)
  18. Obtain the BCS Office insurance (guideline not included)
  19. Attend Day School teachers luncheon prior to school starts
  20. Attend BUSD luncheon at the end of the school year